Artificial Intelligence
July 2, 2023
Andy Scott
3 min read

From Fear to Opportunity

Embracing AI for Growth in SMEs

News about Artificial Intelligence (AI) has dominated headlines, sparking both excitement and apprehension. Amidst the hype, one undeniable fact remains: AI will forever change the way businesses operate. However, rather than succumbing to fear, it's crucial to recognise that AI presents the greatest opportunity to date for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) to compete with industry giants.

Fear of AI is driven by a lack of knowledge

The immediate fear surrounding AI centres on its potential impact on individuals' ability to earn a living. Professionals in fields like marketing, data analysis, research, and customer service may be particularly concerned. Even business owners themselves may struggle to determine how best to navigate the impending AI wave. However, history offers a reassuring precedent.

VisiCalc - The 1st Killer App

Consider the launch of VisiCalc in 1979, the first electronic spreadsheet available on the Apple II computer. It was hailed as the "killer app" and played a pivotal role in the success of the Apple II. Initially, fears arose that accountants would become obsolete as the technology could perform calculations in seconds that previously took days. Yet, those fears proved unfounded. Instead, businesses demanded that their accountants utilise the new technology to run scenario-based business forecasts, leading to increased opportunities for growth and transformation.

Today, a similar fear surrounds AI. Often driven by a lack of understanding, individuals and organisations struggle to grasp what AI truly represents in its current state, its limitations, and how it can be effectively employed to bolster and fortify businesses. As business leaders, it is essential to apply the same disciplined change management principles to the AI revolution as we would to any other transformative change.

Wrestling with the implications and opportunities of AI

To dispel fears and engage employees enthusiastically in this new path, a comprehensive understanding of AI's opportunities and threats is paramount. By leveraging knowledge gained from this understanding, organisations can effectively address concerns and pave the way for a successful AI integration.

It is crucial to recognise that AI is not yet the Rubicon where we surrender control to faceless automatons. Instead, it presents SMBs with an unprecedented opportunity to compete with larger enterprises. The operational benefits AI offers, including rapid scaling, enhanced decision-making, and greater agility, were traditionally the domain of resource-rich organisations. However, AI has now levelled the playing field, making these benefits accessible to SMBs.

It is time to actively include AI in your strategy planning

Now is the time to seize the potential AI holds, identify the competitive advantages it offers, and effectively manage the transformative changes required for successful implementation. Rather than viewing AI as a threat, it should be seen as a catalyst for SMBs to thrive and succeed in today's dynamic business landscape.

Artificial Intelligence
Change Management
Strategic Planning